

Please see below for all of our services. We work with all industries.



The Assistant

You provide content. 

We organize, edit, create copy, schedule and manage.

Low engagement hours.

Maximum 3 Posts weekly.

Maximum 8 Stories weekly.




The Curator

You provide some content, we do the rest. 

We create/curate (including some graphic work), organize, edit, create copy, schedule and manage.

Moderate engagement hours.

Maximum 4 posts weekly.

Unlimited Stories weekly.



The Executive

We do everything!

We work with your team or yourself to come up with content (including graphics) and an optimal strategy. 

We create/curate, organize, edit, create copy, schedule and manage.

Max engagement hours. 

Maximum 6 posts a week.

Unlimited Stories weekly.

Manage Influencer Program if applies.

One monthly newsletter.




Not finding something for your needs?

Please contact us and we’ll customize your package for you.

*Prices are per “username”/business, multiple “username”/business discount available. This is for those of you who are ambitious and have more than one business. Each price is for TWO social platforms with a multiple platform discount available.

Other Services


Website Rebrand on Squarespace

You will receive a rebrand and modern, sleek website, built on the same platform as ours.




Whether you are sending out your digital newletter through MailChimp or Constant Contact, I will create a template and schedule it to go out monthly.


We also have Social Media Ad Management, SEO and Google AdWords available for a fee. We offer multiple service discounts when applicable. This is an add-on to the Social Media Management packages offered above. It is not a requirement but only a suggestion.